今日は 瓦 メーカーの社長がやってきた  話はチャット GTP で盛り上がった  その後 チャット GTP で社長の成功物語を作りメールをした 今日は雪がよく降って仕事にならないうちの従業員は瓦置き場の除雪を一生懸命やってた フォークリフトの運転席での作業は思ったより大変 らしい なぜかといえば 冬の寒い日に動かずに作業するということは体が温まらないからかなり冷えるらしい


Today, the president of a tile manufacturer came to see me, and we had a great chat GTP session, and then I made a success story about him and emailed it to him, and today it's snowing so much that I can't work, and my employees are working hard clearing snow from the tile yard, and working in the cab of a forklift truck is harder than I thought, because it's so cold in the winter, and you don't get warm. The reason is that working without moving on a cold winter day means that your body doesn't get warm, so you get very cold.